Fun, Freezing, February // Copenhagen, Denmark

Wow, I'm back! Not only have I not been blogging, I took a break from my Instagram posting as well. But, after the hiatus and a winter break trip, I'm back and ready to blog! Coming up: life updates, my Christmas break trip, and more. Over my winter break, I had an opportunity to visit [...]

Bucket List // 25 Things Before 25

"New year, new me" isn't that how the saying goes? There are so many milestone birthdays: you can drive at 16, vote and gamble at 18, and legally drink at 21. When I turned 23 in November, there was no major milestone. So far, my Jordan year hasn't been a let down, but it's not [...]

Monthly Recap // December 2017

Welp, it's official. New year, same me. I cannot finish a recap on time, but given the holiday, I think I can be excused for this one. This recap feels so weird because I'm writing it in the new 2018--though I already tried to sign a document with 2017 so I guess that's how my [...]

My Christmas Tag

Finally! It's that time of year!! The Christmas markets are in full swing, stores are opening up on Sundays, lights are twinkling in the stores and across building and cathedrals around Europe. I've got Christmas tunes full blast while also doing my own, personal version of 25 days of Christmas. 🙂 I mentioned in my [...]

Monthly Recap // November 2017

In typical Kaitlin Vs Le Monde fashion, I’m late on my month recap. Thankfully, this is only my second one but I’m afraid it’s becoming a habit already. I’m just trying to figure out how 2018 is less than a month away and I still don’t have my life together like I thought I would [...]

My Expat Diary // Holiday Celebrations Abroad

The holiday season is upon us!  I love winter time in Europe, from the possibility of snow (which honestly I hate, but it's the idea yeah?), to the Christmas markets, to all the old traditions across the continent. Unfortunately, with all the good cheer and vin chaud of the season comes moments of homesickness. While [...]

Monthly Recap // October 2017

It's November? Can someone tell me how that happened? October was such a great month! I love all the spooky feels as fall starts and halloween approaches. Unfortunately, I've been seriously lacking in inspiration and motivation for the blog recently. As National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) takes place in November, I found a bit of [...]

Settling In // Nancy, France

I made it to France! After arriving in Paris on the 26th, things have felt like a whirlwind. Not everything has gone my way, but despite some early on struggles, things are going well! I'm missing a credit card, a wheel on my suitcase, and about half the money I spent on my train ticket from Paris. [...]

“Do I Need Five Black Dresses?” & Other Thoughts While Packing

Today is the day! I’m sitting in the airport waiting (and waiting and waiting some more) to catch my plane to France for another stint of teaching English as part of TAPIF. My flight schedule is a bit weird as I decided to fly to Chicago and then book a second flight from Chicago to [...]

Life Updates // Blogaversary & One Week Until France

Finally! My first blogaversary -- is that a thing? While I have officially had this blog for just over a year (I recently got a notification about it), it's now the anniversary of my first post. I take that super seriously, if nothing else because it took me so long to put my blog together [...]